The I AM Community focuses on personal development and empowerment. Through the Legacy Leadership Coaching and Mentorship Programs supplied by our founder Daryl "Pop" Anderson and his team, we provide support systems designed to help individuals Identify, Align, and Move in the power of their purpose. To further our initiatives, we offer a range of merchandise, with a portion of the proceeds from all I AM products invested back into funding our community initiatives.
Despite facing numerous challenges, Daryl never wavered in his belief that the seeds of innovation he nurtured would one day take root and flourish. He describes this transformative moment as “the moment of actualization; when hope receives help as trial and tribulation give way to tangible, abundant blessings.” Thanks to unwavering faith in God, relentless determination, and a strong work ethic, the dream that once existed solely in his mind is now a vibrant reality. This journey has yielded remarkable achievements at every turn. One of the greatest rewards is the ability to give back—sowing seeds of success in the lives of individuals, both young and old. Together, we can cultivate a brighter future, empowering others to reach their full potential.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18a). When Daryl "Pop" Anderson envisioned I AM Legacy Leadership, he recognized that it was more than just a good idea. Driven by a deep sense of purpose and an insatiable desire to use his God-given talents for a cause greater than himself, he understood that to realize his vision, preparation would be essential for success. He knew he needed to transform "purpose into power" on a solid foundation for what lay ahead.
Everyone enters the world with a unique God-designed identity—a divinely appointed essence that is inherently human and distinctly individual. This design consists of three key components: reason, purpose, and relevance. In your reason, you will discover your "why" (the question of why you are here). In your purpose, you will find your "what" (God's blueprint for your life). Lastly, in your relevance, you will uncover your "it" (the unique light of your individuality that shines through your personality, character, talents, and abilities).
A machine functions at its highest capacity when all its parts work together in precise alignment with the intentions of its creator. Similarly, because we were conceived in the mind of God, we are designed to align with the greatness of our Creator. However, achieving this alignment requires effort—effort that goes beyond the ordinary, mediocre, or casual. It demands the kind of determination that reaches deep into your soul to unleash your potential. This effort must overcome the barriers of complacency, push past the confines of comfort, and thrive beyond the limits of the small and insignificant. To align with one's purpose means to maintain all God-given faculties so that the composition of greatness can operate with the precision of a well-oiled machine.
At the core of every driven person lies the powerful force of purpose—a deep, stirring determination that fuels the willpower needed for success. To recognize the true value of this currency of purpose, one must understand that no matter how high the vision or how noble the intent, purpose becomes meaningless without action to bring it to fruition. When purpose stagnates, vision fades, hope is lost, and dreams perish for those who choose inactivity over execution. On the other hand, aligning our identity with the intentions of our creator leads to clarity in vision and harmony in our identity, resulting in progress. Here, victories are earned through hard work and dedication.
Fueled by the transformative power of purpose, I AM mentorship initiatives exemplify the principles of legacy leadership. We not only strive to empower individuals but also prioritize advocacy for youth. Through our collaboration with "The Posterity Plan," we develop programs specifically designed to enrich the educational landscape for young people. Every time you buy I AM merchandise, you are contributing to the future of mentorship and empowering the next generation. Join us in making a difference!
Legacies Begin with Learning
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The Posterity Plan is an academic think tank dedicated to developing educational opportunities for children and youth while nurturing their love for learning. By building partnerships with education, civic, state, cooperate, church and humanitarian organizations, platforms are developed to showcase the talents and achievements of young people enrolled in The Posterity Plan. Fund-raising initiatives are also created to support scholarship awards programs. Among our most prized initiatives is “Save Our Seed (SOS),” a proactive talent search, which scouts out talented at risk youth living in impoverished communities, and adverse situations.
Create forums that display the talents and achievements of children enrolled in The Posterity Plan. Implement fund-raising strategies for the financial stability of The Posterity Plan’s daily operations, scholarship awards, and development of resource materials. Prepare students for advancement into institutes of higher learning. Help parents discover the prodigy in their child while giving all participating children the tools for success.
According to Webster Dictionary, the word inherent is defined by the following; “in the nature of something though not readily apparent.” The Posterity Plan believes that most children are born with inherent capabilities essential to their capacity to discover through learning the gifts and talents that make them special. Their unique qualities are not always readily apparent, but when given the chance to blossom will appear over time.
Arts, Letters, & Sciences Appreciated Through History and Culture
Since the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia developed cuneiform the first written language, or the Egyptians recorded their history through magnificent sculptures and hieroglyphics, images have been the tools of communication that helped shape the foundation of civilized humanity. From the penning of the Constitution of the United States of America to the rapid advancements in medicine and technology, the sciences continue to evolve in genres that cultivate the world. Understanding the significance of history’s role in these vital areas, The Posterity Plan is dedicated to the preservation of
contributions made throughout time toward the development of our country and the modern world.
Form Partnerships with Advocates of Literary and Arts Education
Inform policy makers, educational institutions, funding organizations, and elected officials of how Arts, Letters, and Sciences strengthen the economy, enhance cultural awareness, and provide education opportunities for young people with dreams of succeeding in the various professions applicable to these fields of study. Develop successful collaborations for the advancement of visual and literary arts, artists, and writers.
Academic Development in the Sciences
Develop and support academic training programs that enhance the quality of education for students and educators in mathematics, medicine, and technology.
Synergy Support Teams
In communities throughout our cities, there are resources that may be acquired when joining forces with organizations and people with similar interests. With this in mind, The Posterity Plan, builds Synergetic Support Teams with community leaders, and professionals who agree with our philosophy; “Legacies Begin With Learning.” Through the synergy of strong thinkers we brainstorm ideas and solutions that work in bettering the futures of our youth. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (Proverbs 15:22 NIV).